Blog Post

7 Ways to Capitalize & Market to Your On-Site Customers

Monique Morrison • Oct 16, 2019

Build a loyal customer network with a service you already provide: Free WiFi.

As business owners we often spend a lot of time focusing on how to gain more customers but overlook the customers we already have. Do you, as a business owner, have a way to capture your current customers? Do you have a way to maintain contact with them or even have them help you reach out to new customers? In this blog post, I’d like to talk about seven ways to capitalize on marketing to your on-site customers with a nifty tool called Social WiFi.

What is Social WiFi?
Social WiFi is an easy-to-use system that allows you to leverage the free WiFi you already offer your customers to build a loyal customer network and system.

How Does It Work?
The way it works is...

  1. Customers come to your local business.
  2. While they’re waiting for service or have to kill time, they login to the internet through your free WiFi (because no one wants data charges, amiright?).
  3. Based on your marketing goals, there are login options you can choose from to offer your customers: Facebook, SMS (text messaging), email, and more.
  4. When a customer logs in, they are added to your marketing audience (email list, SMS marketing list, Facebook audience, etc.)
  5. Now you can connect with them in order to grow your relationship and drive repeat sales!
Building a Loyal Customer Network with WiFi Marketing
So, now that you know how it works, let’s look at some of the benefits we love about Social WiFi.

Email List Growth
I don’t think we’ll ever grow tired of talking about the benefits of email marketing. Considering it has a return on investment of $38 for every $1 spent, it just makes sense to implement this type of marketing and use it to your advantage. With Social WiFi you can capture your customers’ emails and are able to market back to them to entice future visits. Pretty sweet, eh?

Re-Engaging Customers
One feature that I love about Social WiFi is its ability to trigger messages based on customer actions, like sending a coupon for a free coffee after their tenth visit or sending them a coupon if they haven’t logged in, in over 30 days. How would you use this cool feature to recapture your customers?

Promoting Upcoming Events and Specials
Do you wish there was a way to let your customers know about special nights or promotions? Well, there is! With Social WiFi you can deploy marketing messages to your audience and drive attendance to events and sales.

Generating Google Reviews
Who doesn’t love being at the top of Google with oodles of five-star reviews for potential customers to see? Not I, said the little red hen. Google and Facebook reviews are a huge driver for new businesses. Oftentimes, potential customers will research your business first before visiting on-site. They want to know what type of experience to expect. That’s why generating new reviews online is so important. With Social WiFi you can trigger a review request shortly after a customer has left your property. This is the best time to request those reviews when the great experience is still fresh in their mind.

Re-marketing Audiences
During the login process, customers are shown a couple of landing pages that you have the ability to add your re-marketing pixels to. How great is that? Even if a person starts the login process but doesn’t complete the login, you’ll be able to pixel them (tag them with a unique web code to track what actions they do… or don’t… take) and add them to a re-marketing audience that you can show ads to at a later date.

Coupon Distribution
I’m sure there are a few promotions slotted on your promotional calendar that include some sort of discount. Whether it’s a discount, BOGO, or even a set amount off, you can quickly distribute coupons to your customers in a cost-effective way. (Take that, mail-outs!)

Text Messaging & WhatsApp Marketing
I don’t know many people who can withstand opening all of their text messages just to clear notifications. That’s why text message marketing is so effective. The open rates are fantastic. With Social WiFi, you can easily set up and add text message marketing to your arsenal.

If it’s not apparent yet, I’m a huge fan of Social WiFi marketing. In my opinion, all local businesses should implement and make the most of their WiFi, using it as a tool to connect with their audience more frequently.

Interested in seeing how you can run a promotion or contest by utilizing Social WiFi? Download our Social WiFi Campaign Planner here !

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